Independent Filmmaker             Uwe Most
Let's just do it

Uwe Most Film 2018 - 2022


Tage des Regens... (Days of Rain)

On the Move ( The Russian Killer)

Out of the Woods

Im Glashaus... (In the Glass House)



Lauf Kate lauf... (Run Kate run)

Run Kate Run
Kate, optimistic on her way, to meet up with her lover at the airport a few hours away. An abbreviation, seductive, turns out to be a disaster. She gets lost in the back country. She's about to miss her flight. Desperately seeking for a way out, she picks up two hitchhikers, two young girls.
The night starts closing in, a severe storm is approaching.
In the morning she wakes up in her car, alone, in front of a stately home. Some gentleman in a bathing gown is knocking at her car window. A golf ball is rolling by.

Lauf Kate lauf... (Run Kate run) SUB SURFACE ARTWORK PRODUCTIONS (c) 2021

Lies and what lies beyond... (Lügen und andere Wahrheiten)


Nothing ventured nothing gained


Das Mädchen im Garten... (The Girl in the Garden)

Elise and Poe


Glück... (Fortune)


Love anyway

Erzähl mir mehr... (Tell me more)